10 thoughts on “Calling Iowa”

  1. I hope you are right about Obama (though I still dream of a Kucinich victory…I dream a lot)…and as far as the Republican winner, well, they are all idiots and criminals so it really doesn’t matter but since they made such a big deal about Huckleberry Hound staying in California, that plastic fake guy..I mean, Mitt (wtf kind of name is that, anyway) prolly will win.

  2. i vote for universal health care, oh right that was supposed to happen in 1992, i vote for the end of the war, wait no one supports that do they? I vote for something to stop us being distracted by oh yeah, the voting machines that are fixed and flawed… weren’t they? Oh forgot all about that…rah, rah, a new day is coming, the democrats will save us and Pepsi is better than coke 😉

  3. On the East Coast at 8:50 pm, ABC called it for Huckabee and possibly for Obama. This was based on 17 percent reporting results (which doesn’t seem like enough to call it but who am I to say-here in the island of taxation without representation).

  4. I predict that you will in fact edit this post to show you called it for Huckabee. I read today that “nearly 60 percent of Republican caucus-goers identified themselves as evangelicals,” a fact which I find borderline terrifying. Almost as scary as Chuck Norris constantly hanging over Huckabee’s shoulder.

  5. herioc imp, you spoke my language.
    just wish obama was stronger on the issues he probably cares about.
    cec, tell the truth. you love mitt’s hair.

  6. Thanks Itto, now tell Cecil to stop editing me, calling my dog names, branding me a self-hating jew (cause I like ron Paul) and, and…for letting us believe for one second that this whole thing is not a fix…fight on Itto…you know the deal…

  7. I was thinking of editing the “editing you” part because I haven’t been editing you, but then the swooshy vortex of it all made me dizzy and I had to sit down.
    Also, I don’t think you’re a self-hating Jew. I said you were an “elf-hating Jew.” Which is a totally different thing. Unless you’re both Jewish and an elf. Of course, now that I think of it, an imp is sort of an elf, so I guess you’ve got me there. Apologies,

  8. my knee-jerk reaction was, wow, a CV conversation, and i’m a part of it. i’m CHANGing things, a la romney. sans the hair.
    and, then. well, then i heard H.I.’s call for help. and, like rudy G, who actually said post-hil NH cry that he was steamied eyed on 9/11 (please stop the earth and throw him off), i say this, which is actually not like rudy.
    a fix? depends on pov. yes, in that we, the people, will not really ‘win’ in the end. even with the dems, marginal improvement. this isn’t the 1930s or 60s, people are too ignorant or complacent, and there is no new deal coming. there are major storms looming, and yet we need to know whether dr. phil can help britney.
    cec, the play on self –> elf via imp was clever.

  9. Conversations are dangerous at this point, I read today that the new driver’s licenses are going to go into effect (tracking devices on steroids), cameras everywhere, the dollar devalued to the point that the american union is around the corner, the super highways, and the indian car (it will give you the “runs” for your money)…ok well i am not sure about the indian car…I migth be heading for bad “Carma” on that one (you can quote me go head)…but…all this crap-ola is taking place, and we are really concerned if the imp (hillary?) or Bibo (John Mcain) or Legolas (yes John edwards, look close)or Lurtz (Obama) (closer one i could find ok? gets into office?
    Why are we so concerned with the horse race and the cheering (enough with the cheering and the signs already) when the barn is on fire?
    They want hero worship. breast feeding of the gods. They want their race and attention, while we have the worst medical care in the world next to middle earth (their maybe better if Lurtz gets elected, things are heated up down there.)
    I am not an elf-hating jews. Elves are techinically nto jewish they have big ears, we do not have that. Also they do not have conservations mixing heated passionate political views and humor. They just go about things in a harmonious way, they do like their gold JEWlery as, hey we all do, but anyway, they don’t vote for Lurtz’s, then again only if they own big shoe stores in tel aviv.


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