Calling Michigan

The Republicans have their big Michigan primary today. Some say Romney needs to win here to stay viable. And yes, I’m going to keep betting on Romney. Just try and stop from betting on Romney. You can’t do it. My Romney-betting impulse is simply too strong. And you are too weak.
If he actually wins, the thing I’m wrestling with is what does he say? He can’t flat out say “I’m the comeback kid” because he’s been claiming to be in the lead with his “two silvers and a gold” line (second place in Iowa and NH, first place in Wyoming).
On the other hand, he’s going to really want to say, “I’m the comeback kid!” because politicians love to say that phrase. It makes them feel like they’re gruff, likable, wild west outlaws. Like, you know, “Butch Cassidy and the Comeback Kid.”
The best I can figure is that either he’ll say, “change change, kid this is comeback personal.” Or possibly, “come change back kid personal personal Romney!” Or maybe even, “Romney Romney Romney my dad I am Barack Obama.” Whichever he runs with you, you’re going to be emotionally impacted. Brace for it.
Also, I’m going with two “dear friends” and three “my friends” for McCain in his quasi-concession speech.
Any other calls?
Update: It’s true what they say — a stopped watch is right twice a day!

2 thoughts on “Calling Michigan”

  1. butch cassidy one of my fab favorite movies ever.
    ahh, the repubs. hi michigan, i love ya, oh, look, unemployment, core business imploding. hmmm, uh, we need more tax cuts for the rich. yes!
    really, it will trickle down, i promise.
    this just occurred to me. since when is a ‘trickle’ a good thing? if you want something to go somewhere (water, pudding, drano, economic stimulus), you don’t want a trickle. you need a flow, a gush, maybe a whoosh.

  2. I have nightmares sometimes where every candidate from both parties has turned into Mitt Romney, and they all wander about zombielike muttering “Romney Romney Romney,” kind of like “Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich.”
    The Democratic lady Romney is particularly disturbing.


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