It’s a dash of a day, but there’s always time to go on record. I’m saying Obama, Clinton, then Edwards in SC (shooting down Edwards chance at an upset 2nd place finish) with Obama winning by 8 points or better and cleaning up in SC delegates.
Meanwhile, in FL I’m once again going with Mitt who, frankly, has treated me shabbily so far in these predictions and owes me one. Johnny Mac a close second. Rudy outta the race before the 5th.
Any other other calls out there?
Update: In a new low, it appears I didn’t even predict the day of the GOP FL primary correctly. It’s not today, it’s next Tuesday. Boy, wotta mess. Unless… Unless… Unless I did that on purpose to your lower expectations of my oracular accuracy (aka my “oracuracy”)? Oooooh, I am clever.