Calling SC/LV

Three tough races to call today — South Carolina and Nevada for the GOP and Nevada for the Dems. I’m gonna go Huckabee in SC (Evangelicals slog through the rain and snow), with McCain a close second. Thompson comes in third and is finally allowed to quit the race. Romney takes Nevada for the GOP with Fred Paul in second. Nobody particularly cares except Romney, who bursts into song on national TV (“you say Nevada, I say Nevahdah”) to mixed reviews.
Clinton leads in the polls in Nevada, Obama has a little more union juice. I’m going with my heart and picking Obama, because yes, yes it’s true. I want it to be so.
Update: Once again I look to John Edwards for inspiration. This is a marathon, I say, a marathon, not a sprint, sez Edwards. Yes. That’s what this is. This is a marathon that I am losing badly.
So I blew SC, flubbed Nevada Dems, and only got Nevada GOP right, which was a gimme. Still, America insists that I continue to make these shoddy calls and I will not let America down.

2 thoughts on “Calling SC/LV”

  1. cecil vortex, political polling svengali or harmless positivist, only fox news won’t tell.
    i see rudy G dominating florida, so much so that it forces that great citrus state to secede from the union. it will be strange visiting bubbe with a passport, but understandable. after 2000 FL should have been let go.

  2. “you say Nevada, I say Nevahdah”
    You must have caught that moment where Michelle Obama began “… here in Nevahda…” (modest applause) “Nevadda! Nevadda! Nevadda!” (louder applause).


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