Clinton fatique

This interesting column from the LA Times sums up my feelings this week about the Clintons. The trigger for me was watching the most recent debate. In particular, it was watching Hillary in the first half of the debate say things about Obama she knew were broad, already-refuted mischaracterizations, often with a grin.
We may have to settle for that approach to politics. But I’d rather not.

2 thoughts on “Clinton fatique”

  1. if bilhil lose nom, they will look back at their spiteful negativity, lies, and bill’s rampant looneyness as the poison pills. they are reminding everyone about their own worst flaws.
    at least fred thompson’s nap schedule will no longer be rudely interrupted by campaigning. i hope he follows huck around in his pick-up truck moaning about repub party fractures.

  2. It was a different column for me, reminding me that while the years under Bill were financially fine, and the line was held, it wasn’t moved to the left. Maybe it had to do with the country & Newt & the VRWC (Vast right etc), but he couldn’t even get rid of land mines, for god’s sake. Let alone integrate the military, get Kyoto passed, etc. I lay many of his foreign relations successes at the feet of Madeline Albright, who I’d vote for in a NY second.
    Will Obama be Kennedy again, descending from on high with choirs of angels? Of course not, but at least we’ll have a strong break from the past. And hopefully drive a stake through the heart of dynastic politics.


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