If you’ve been following this race obsessively, you prolly already know that Michigan was stipped of its delegates to the Dem convention for moving their election date up against party rules. Hillary ended up being the only candidate on the ballot. And yes she won. I get a big kick out of the way her advisers routinely roll that victory into her legit string victories. Are they fooling folks with this? I guess. Still, even they must know how lame it all is.
All of which brings us to Florida, which is in the same boat as Michigan — no Dem delegates. Despite that, the Clinton campaign has been pitching woo there, most recently by arguing over the last few days that their delegates should be reinstated. And yes, she’s going to win big in Florida this Tuesday. And it’ll mean nothing delegate-wise, but their hope is that the media will still turn it into a “Hillary’s back” story.
The very latest twist in all this is that, despite the fact that the candidates are not supposed to be campaigning in these states, she’ll actually be in Florida election eve. One assumes that’s so she can give a victory speech in this delegate-free primary. All of which leads us to this lovely quote from Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton:
“If the Clinton campaign’s southern strength rests on the outcome in a state where they’re the only ones competing, that should give Democrats deep pause.”
that was quite funny. i hear hilbil will also win the parts of iraq under usa control.