Miscalling New Hampshire

OK, the people of New Hampshire have spoken. Their message: I am a crappy prognosticator. And yes, I have heard them loud and clear, but I’m not done fighting! Much like John Edwards, I will continue to get my butt kicked all the way to the convention!
In other news, I’ll confess I was shocked when Romney came out of Iowa saying “I’m the outsider candidate of change.” Clearly, he had seen what worked for Huckabee and Obama, and was baldly swiping their message.
Anyways, because of that, I was much less shocked tonight when, in his concession speech, he said, “Hi, my name is John McCain and/or Hillary Clinton.” You really have to respect somebody that straightfoward.

2 thoughts on “Miscalling New Hampshire”

  1. no coronation. i liked the line that 290,000 iowans shouldn’t decide the dem party candidate. let democracy flow like a mighty chocolate fondue swirl. in circles. where you dip strawberries.
    that’s my kind of democracy. i also like the hearty chicken soup kind when i’m feeling under the weather.


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