Be Prepared

I keep hearing the pundits say that the Clinton campaign built their strategy around one result — a clear victory on Super Tuesday. Then they read these great quotes from the candidate, like this one from back on December 30th: “I’m in it for the long run. It’s not a very long run. It’ll be over by February 5th.” But of course, that’s not how things played out, and Clinton and co. has seemed to be floundering — bouncing from message to message — ever since.
That is to say, the Clinton camp went into their big battle — a battle they could see coming months in advance — without a concrete Plan B, without giving serious strategic thought to the possibility that reality might offer up anything less than mission accomplished. Things didn’t break the way they’d hoped. And ever since then, chaos.
Does any of this ring a bell…?

1 thought on “Be Prepared”

  1. youch! seriously, youch!! it’s clear you and hil need a sit down. work out your problems for the good of the party. you anni-hil-ator.


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