Calling CV

Regular readers of this Extreme Punditry series have probably figured out by now that I’m about as good an election-predictor as my cat Sammy is an umbrella. Which is to say, not very.
Even so, even with my poor track record at this whole election-predicting thing, I’m ready to wander out on that limb one more time and herewith predict that Cecil Vortex will go 100% for…Barack Obama! (Just my luck, Mitt will now come through with an upset.)
In terms of the other gazillion folks voting today, it feels like McCain will have a great day, with the possible exception of a California upset for Romney. Clinton will win several more states than Obama, but only a few more delegates. I’m going to say, um, a 53%/47% delegate swing in Clinton’s favor. Slight edge for Clinton in the press spin. And the race goes on.
Any other predictions out there?

11 thoughts on “Calling CV”

  1. I predict that I will continue not to understand who is voting for Mitt Romney. The other Repubs, I may not like them, but they make sense to me. The whole Romney thing is just confuseing.

  2. Confusing. Confusing, dammit.
    Also, I think it’s irresponsible of you to project a winner in Cecil Vortex before his polls close.
    Am I the only one who found that last sentence hysterical? I’m feeling a little giddy today.

  3. It’s not just the caffeine. That was a funny, funny line.
    Re Romney’s appeal, I think it’s the fact that he sort of looks like you could pop his head off and put it on a pez dispenser. Americans love that!

  4. I made a batch of predictions last time, and Clinton was squeezed out of the Antarctic vote by a batch of newly registered young penguins (both black & white) who voted for Obama. So it just goes to show, Obama’s got the magic.
    I will call the Ballot proposals, 94-97 as passing, except for 95. What can I say, I like most Californians, still hate the *%&$# Morongos. Double down, my ass.

  5. i wish the polls would list issues instead of candidates. delegates for issues, and then the issues pick the candidate who will support them. seriously.
    so, you want 100 more years of iraq, yes, ok, that issue picks mccain.
    i just visited mitt’s site for the first time, and i’m not kidding that his first issues 3 in order are: keeping americans safe; confronting radical jihad; and combating nuclear terrorism.
    i literally wet my pants while dialing 9/11 for help. please, mitt, stop the baddies!
    my prognostication? 40+ million uninsured americans think about moving to canada. or, confronting radical jihad. hard to read.

  6. A vote for Mitt is a plus for Obama. Let’s see those Republicans get their knickers in a twist and split for a candidate. Go Mitt, Go!

  7. Itto I say Ditto…What a joke this all is…it’s always the same routine…Have a laser show when our homes are burning…things are bad, they need to be addressed now..instead we hero worship we look to the new gods, give them our time our money, our “hope”, our “dreams”, nothing changes…we are becoming a camera infested police state, bad health care, prisons, fines, pollution, and neither of these supertuesda-friends are going to save us…

  8. heroic imp, i really liked ‘supertuesda-friends.’ i loved that show, and can guarantee that the wondertwins could save this country. or, at least turn into a cheetah and an ice bridge to the promise land.

  9. The Wonder Twins are already hard at work: “Wonder twin powers activate. Form of a basket. Shape of five million dollars.”
    Of course, the efforts of the Wonder Twins will be thwarted by the momentum of The Thing carrying the youngest of the candidates to the finish line first, who is carrying a pocket full of red kryptonite and wearing the big O’s super outfit.

  10. Cecil: My son who is working in Ukraine has been busily investigating the status of absentee ballots from all the American ex-pats in Eastern Europe. For your information, Ukraine is going 100% Obama. I think it’s time you started predicting the results from the rest of the ex-pat community in Europe. Just a thought. It can’t any more off the mark than your current lack of foresight or prophecy, whichever it is that you are claiming. (Sorry, that was harsh.)

  11. OK, I’m calling Tazmania for Huckabee!
    No harshness, Computilo. I fired myself this week from prognosticating and I’ll tell you why: It’s because I stink at it.
    Also, has anyone else noticed that as soon as I stopped calling races, Obama started winning everything? Makes me wonder … if only I had dropped out sooner, would Romney be the GOP nominee?
    Speaking of which, didja catch McCain’s Bob Dole impersonation tonight in Virginia? Yikes! Just like Dole back in 1996, McCain failed the all important “would I let that candidate babysit my kids” test.


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