Vortex Spawn Makes Stage Debut in Candide

This one’s narrowcast to my fellow Bay Areans. Just wanted to share the fun fact that my daughter (aka Shonny Vortex) is making her big-time stage debut this very weekend in Virago Theatre Company’s staging of Candide, with music by Leonard “don’t call me Spock” Bernstein and lyrics by (among others) Dorothy Parker, Lillian Hellman, and Stephen “don’t call me Spock either” Sondheim.
This is an actual grown up performance. The New York Times described Bernstein’s score as “shimmering” and claims that Shonny’s performance is likely to be “the greatest stage appearance of the new century.” I think they’re overhyping it, but who’s gonna argue with the New York Times?
Special Twofer Deal
The show opens this coming Friday, and they’re offering a crazy two-for-one deal on advance tix for the first weekend — two tickets for the low price of just $20. You can secure that snazzy deal by calling 510-865-6237 or by dropping me an email….
Days and Times: Friday February 22nd, 8pm, Sat February 23rd, 8pm, Sunday February 24th, 7pm.
The show runs from Feb 22 through to March 9th. For more information: click away.

5 thoughts on “Vortex Spawn Makes Stage Debut in Candide”

  1. Just one more reason to pack it in here on the East Coast and move out there where all the cool, hip, happening people are, even if they are underage.


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