Eskimo (not Inuit) Rock n Roll Recall

Back in the 90s, there was an SF band I loved called “Eskimo.” They had one song in particular I was so sure was gonna be an alt-rock super-smash. We’d go to the shows and this tune (“Dado Peru”) would kick in and the crowd would start to sway….
Well, Dado never broke out the way I expected it to. And I kinda sorta forgot about it until this past weekend, when it showed up on my ipod. I played it for my 10-year-old daughter, who agreed that it was the most-est. And we drove down Franklin in Oakland, raising our arms in the air, swaying like we just didn’t care….
When I got home I started thinking, golly, I know it’s against the law, but wouldn’t it be great if I could rip that tune and put it up on Cecil to share with the world, without going to jail?
Lo and also behold — the world wide web has saved me from a life of crime. Turns out the band was kind of enough to post the tune right here. May I recommend that you crank the speakers?
For Bay Area folks who share fond Eskimo memories, that very same site contains eight (8!) Eskimo tunes I’ve never before heard. I just downloaded them and will, yes, get to swaying momentarily.
Yiba ho!

2 thoughts on “Eskimo (not Inuit) Rock n Roll Recall”

  1. Nice to be rediscovered! I love that you thought Dado was going to hit big! Perhaps, now that you’ve blogged about it, the world may yet take heed.
    -David (Eskimo) Cooper

  2. Thanks David — and fun to see what you’re up to over at (fellow former eskimo follower-types — great tunes and visual treats await ye at


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