Monkey Vortex (Flash)back Theater

From 2004 to 2006 I was part of a loose cabal of audio-oriented miscreants known as Monkey Vortex Radio Theater. Between us, we produced around 35 or so short bits of MP3 whackiness. Yes, and it’s hard to imagine a time when we had the brainwidth to produce 35 or so short bits of MP3 whackiness. But there was such a time.
Anyways, somewhere along the line a very nice fellow named Hank offered to make a Flash animation out of our theme sound-bit and one of our cartoon mascots. But — the shame! — I never got around to putting it up on the site or even plugging it here on ye olde Cecil.
Well that smudge on my conscience gets watered down today with this very link. Enjoy! And thanks “so-called Hank,” wherever you are.

2 thoughts on “Monkey Vortex (Flash)back Theater”

  1. ok, i watched it…and i blanked out and awoke 42 minutes later assaulting the wh*te house with a strawberry blueberry smoothie.
    i’m not saying that there is a connection, because i frequently assault casa blanca with fruity drinks. but, i’ve never used two fruits before.
    seriously, freaky, intimidating, and synapse burning.

  2. Wow, if you don’t click, it just keeps going and going. And if you DO click, it just keeps going and going. Whew. Hey, I’m a caballist. Now I’ve got something else in common with Madonna other than a vague 32nd cousin relationship.


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