He sounds surprised
at everything he says he’s
constantly surprising himself.
“Is there food somewhere around here?” is what I asked.
“There is?!” he self-flabbergasted. “Nordic Sub Shop — right next door?! Good food?!?”
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
so…was it good?!
not particularly?!?
another food posting. either you’re famished, or there’s a deep, dark secret in your past related to food.
i’m beginning to think the latter. i remember when you got me to try tomatoe slices with salt in the mid-80s. still creeps me out.
mmmmmm — tomato slices with salt in the mid-80s.
I prefer green tomatoes fried in bacon grease in the late 90s. But that’s just me probably.
sliced tomatoes on a tuna fish sandwich.
tomatoes and mozarella with drizzled olive oil.