This poem was originally about the joy of lemonade and coffee shops. Over time it became about other things that go away and comes back — like creativity. But these last few weeks, it’s become about missing lemonade and coffee shops again.
From The Lavender Lemonade Is Back: Poems and Stories, now available in print/kindle on Amazon.
The Lavender Lemonade Is Back
The lavender lemonade is back
at my local coffee shop.
I’d given up on her.
All the lemon factories, moved off-planet.
“We Thank You For Your Business.”
Empty cups, traced with
mint and cane.
I’ve been lost
behind the
behind the
dark berry side of this Lavender Moon.
Here comes the lemonade.
you need to drink and snack more. many of your posts are food centric, and i’m worried about your diet.
more, smaller meals per day.
btw, lavender has been in use for over 2,500 years, used for mummification and perfume by the Egyptians, Phoenicians, and peoples of Arabia.