A thing that makes me mad

They named a drug
designed to help men urinate
(They really did.
They called it “Flomax.”
Can you
imagine the joy in
that room? “Flomax!”
“Oh my God — we’re going to
call it ‘Flomax!’ Somebody, do a trademark
“You’re incredible,
Dave.” “No Sally, you are
the incredible one. You came up with
the ‘max’ part!”)
It makes me so angry. They
named it “Flomax”
when they
could have
called it

8 thoughts on “A thing that makes me mad”

  1. I laughed really hard.
    Rogain: Too easy. grogain (grow-gain). I think they named it Rogain BECAUSE it sounds like that. Now if they named it “I can’t believe it’s not back hair implanted into your scalp” I would be impressed.

  2. i can’t help but see that this a cause/effect link to your [redacted]. be that as it may, flomax side effects include “abnormal ejaculation, a runny or stuffy nose, and dizziness.”
    a stuffy nose?!!! argh!

  3. “Abnormal ejaculation”? I feel like that’s a big fat slow pitch across the middle of the plate that I’m going to whiff at because I’m so eager, or a layup I’m going to blow because I’m so open. I think I’ll leave it go for now, but I reserve the right to take a shot at it later.

  4. I mean, does maple syrup come out instead? Does it shoot out of your ears? Abnormal could mean so many things.

  5. my un-expert opinion, and i do mean un-expert, is that ‘abnormal’ means the delivery mechanism explodes in a puff of magenta smoke.
    but, the fda approved it, and why not…who doesn’t love magenta smoke?

  6. i can’t stop posting on flomax. perhaps its another side ffect.
    i saw a flomax add in a bathroom in the new washington nationals stadium (interesting ad revenue stream*), thought of your post, and wondered how you would feel if i added it to the ad.
    think of the exposure*!
    *yes, puns one and all. happy day.


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