Books on TV

Everybody’s always complaining about how people don’t read any more, right? Well, I have the solution, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to make me a million dollars.
The reason nobody’s reading any more is obvious — we love TV. And the solution’s just as obvious: a TV channel that shows books, one page at a time.
Imagine — the smart thinking you get from a book *plus* the brain-aesthesia you get from TV! I’m so excited, I’ve passed out twice while writing this. First, when I said I was going to make a million dollars. And then again when I woke up and I re-read that sentence about a million dollars. I’m gonna be rich!
There are lots of great “books on” ideas we should be exploring. I can’t tackle them all so I’ll put a few out there, and you can get rich too.
“Books on toasters,” for example. Why not? Or “books on telescopes.” You know, we put a book on the moon and then people will read it through a telescope.
If we can put a man on the moon, we can put a book on the moon. It just stands to reason!

1 thought on “Books on TV”

  1. i really like books on the moon. sounds like a bush admin education initiative. and, i hear he will reduce greenhouse admissions on the moon, also. in 2025.


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