“I’m makin’ pruno!”

is what this fellow shouts
at me and my chat-mate.
We’re sitting on a bench,
enjoying the East Bay sun.
He comes up to us
holding a black garbage bag.
He puts the bag down
next to us on the bench.
He was so happy.
There was something
moving in that bag.
He disappears into the coffee shop.
Then pops back out like a
hillbilly leprechaun.
Grabbing the bag he crows:
“I’m making pruno!”
He shakes our hands and
cackles down the street.
I’m telling you,
it almost made me want to
make some pruno.
note: I was delighted to find out later that pruno (pronounced “prune-o”) is a kind of homemade booze commonly associated with prison living.

3 thoughts on ““I’m makin’ pruno!””

  1. ‘hilbilly leprechaun,’ excellent. it’s so counterintuitive, because, let’s face it, leprechauns are absolutely the most sophisticated and debonair of the mythical, magical height challenged.
    where did mr. prune-o sit on the spectrum? i want to meet him.
    by the way, i’m watching all past ‘lost’ episodes starting with season 1. i don’t want to be a spoiler for those who are in the same position, but i was surprised when i found out this all takes place in a box of lucky charms. jack is a marshmellow!

  2. SCB: I don’t know who disgusts me more at this moment — you or Wolf Blitzer.
    OK. I’m kidding. It’s Wolf Blitzer.


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