This post: Not for children

I just saw the most disgusting thing on CNN. Wolf Blitzer says to his guest, “May I pick your brain for a moment?” And the guest says, “Sure.”
I’m sorry — I just got up and turned off the TV. Wolf Blitzer is a creepy creepy guy.

6 thoughts on “This post: Not for children”

  1. at least wolf asked permission. and, he correctly used ‘may’ instead of ‘can’, because like all great cnn hosts, wolf can, in fact, pick brains.

  2. So what was it about Wolf’s deployment of this fairly commonly used phrase that alarmed you so? Just that he’s called “Wolf” and/or “Blitzer”? Was it the beard? Was he holding an icepick in his hands when he said it? Please elaborate.
    Also, can you explain WTF happened with Boom Dizzle last night?

  3. “fairly commonly used phrase”? Ugh. What sort of repulsive crowd do you associate with?
    As for Boom Dizzle, I don’t know exactly what happened, but I’m pretty sure it was Mike Dunleavy’s fault.

  4. there’s a great yiddish folk saying that goes something like: “the man in blue cotton who licks your brain is a ‘mesch’ of uncommon goodness.” Since I grew up with that as a common phrase, I just don’t find it all that creepy.


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