He’s a witch and/or warlock

I think John McCain should be very very careful about giving people the impression that he can see the future.

Remember what happened to the last presidential candidate who pretended to be a witch and/or warlock? When Edmund Muskie claimed he could turn people into frogs? Remember how that turned out?
Not very well for Edmund Muskie, that’s how.
And that’s all I got.
It’s very hot here today. Positively algorial in fact.

1 thought on “He’s a witch and/or warlock”

  1. Thanks. i hadn’t seen this. I thought this was a joke.
    I just heard about Muskie on the radio the other, and how Nixon sabotaged his & Humphrey’s campaigns by stealing their letterheads and leaking memos to the press. It just makes me think maybe this IS an ad from the Democratic camp.


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