My walrus blues

This past weekend I was at a “family camp” near Yosemite. My wife and I bunked with another couple. A delightful couple. The woman lent us bug juice. Can you imagine that? A complete stranger. “My bug juice is your bug juice!” She had such a charming accent.
The guy snored like Thor trying to swallow a walrus through his nose. Around 6 am I swear to gawd I heard a pop, and I looked over, and his head was like a normal head, only it had an entire walrus inside it.

3 thoughts on “My walrus blues”

  1. a bit concerned about quotated use for “family camp”. like referring to guantanamo bay as “recreation and rehabilitation retreat”. or W as “easy going bowling buddy”. both spell doom.
    and, and, you accepted their “bug juice”? no wonder you had walrus visions. detox now.

  2. Maybe one of the funniest things I’ve heard in awhile…LOL…though Thor never fought a walrus I’ll let you go on that…it was beta ray bill actually with the walrus vibe

  3. Be thankful you’ve never shared a cabin with me.
    BTW, even though I use the stuff copiously when called for, it took awhile for me to realize that “bug juice” is to keep them away, not actually made from them.


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