Fresh starts

I bought a new wallet last weekend and this time I’m gonna get it right. I think I must be 0-6 on wallets over the past two decades. Each one, destroyed by me stuffing it full of receipts. No more. I say those who don’t study history, with regard to their wallets, are doomed to repeat history with regard to their wallets! Well, I’ve studied my history. So alright then.
In related “fresh-start” news, I’ve decided I’m giving up on cursive. I gave cursive a fair chance. But who am I kidding? I can’t read my own cursive. What good is a writing style that the writer themselves can’t read? I might as well bark at a piece of paper and then put it aside as if I’ve accomplished something. Arf!
Oh, I’ll still “sign” for things, but if you’ve seen my signature you know, that’s not cursive.
I know what you’re thinking. “Cecil,” you’re thinking, “how many times have we heard you say you’re going to give up cursive?” I guess three times, probably. But this is the first time I’ve said it sober.
So it’ll be mostly print for me from here on out. Maybe a cursive “s” or “t” mixed in just to keep things rolling. Possibly a “z.” You didn’t expect me to give up cursive “z,” did you?
Look out world, I’ve got a flat wallet and handwriting humans can read!

5 thoughts on “Fresh starts”

  1. Cecil, old pal, I hate to say thee nay, but I don’t think one suddenly becomes a flat-wallet guy at our age. But then who cares–ladies love a fat wallet, no?

  2. how could you vent the pent up wallow without cursing? but if you give up cursing, shouldn’t you be allowed to wallow?
    shit, i’m feeling sorry for myself just trying to picture it.


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