sugar cube heartbreak

I had two foods from my childhood tonight and
the sugar cube was a complete let down.
All promise, stacked high
in that
crystalline stack and then
collapsed like a wet meringue.
Blech. A mouth full of undifferentiated
former-cube fragments, trying to
escape each other and
nowhere good
to go.

4 thoughts on “sugar cube heartbreak”

  1. you are underselling your tummy as a physiological destination. for sugar cube fragments, it’s like vancouver in august!
    and the schnitzel? why the suspense? did it deliver you to an unbattered nostalgia promise land? were the memories too fried to repeat? a zeal for veal?

  2. the schnitzel, which was lovely, is fading from the historic record. Soon there will only be comments about comments regard the so-called schnitzel.

  3. as it was written, so it will be. i can only comment that your schnitzel comment did, indeed, satisfy my hungry curiosity.


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