“Shaved My Beard” — the movie

A while back, I wrote a little thang called “Shaved My Beard”. And, you know, there was a lot of hullabaloo. I remember, I got a letter from Shaquille O’Neil about it, which really surprised me. I wouldn’t have thought he’d have the time.
Shaq hasn’t written in a while. So this weekend, with help from Veronica Vortex, iMovie, and a Flip cam, I revisited that piece, moving picture stylee. Herewith:

Shaved My Beard from Cecil Vortex on Vimeo.

10 thoughts on ““Shaved My Beard” — the movie”

  1. Lookin’ good! It’s funny, you don’t look like you with just a moustache. Then again, I look completely ridiculous with just a moustache.
    Hmm, what’s really ridiculous is that my spell checker prefers mustache to moustache.
    Oh! And now we know the final Vortex is Veronica Vortex! I don’t know if that’s come out before, or if she’s just trying to slip it by. In either case, Welcome Veronica.

  2. What I think, Cecil, is that it had something to do with that distinguished touch of gray. But far be it from me to smirk as Gen X confronts middle age.
    I shaved mine off decades ago, in Norwalk, CT, after my housemate called in a bomb threat to a local bar that had turned us away because of its newly instituted dress code. His real objection was that it called itself Houlihan’s when he thought it should have been Julio’s, because of the Puerto Ricans and Italians who went there. Is anyone more virulently racist than northeastern Irish Catholics?
    (I know, I know: Maybe that’s changed since then. Maybe he’s an Obama organizer now. And maybe monkeys will…)

  3. Hey Molly,
    This was a fun project. I really like smallish things like this that ya can soup-to-nuts over the course of one weekend. I think I’ll scour the Book of Verse to see if there’s anything else in there that could be flip-cam’d up this weekend….
    Thanks to all for the comments!

  4. How there could be so many continuity errors in something that only lasts 47 seconds, I’ll never know.
    But seriously…maybe you could use the leftover footage to create a film called “I Regrew My Beard in Stages Over the Course of an Afternoon Because I Am a Human Freakshow with Alarming Powers Who Should Really Be Locked Up in a Secret Government Installation Somewhere.” (Damn…headline case is a stern taskmaster.)


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