Political Twick or Tweets

Been twittering a bit more than blogging of late. Thought I’d pull together a few recent (mostly) political tweets, in the popular 140-character or less Twitter format…. Ever notice how Twitter turns people who are otherwise not even slightly Larry King into something Larry King-ly?
“Don’t remember Gore, Kerry, Dukakis, or Mondale wrapping things up with a “burn it all down” play. This ain’t the country-first way to lose.”
“Prediction: Team Obama was very strategic with big late-stage primary endorsements. It’ll happen again near e-day.”
“nice lil quake tonight. was just sayin’ ystrday that I haven’t entertained quake-trastophe thoughts for ages. no room at the Apocalypse Inn.”
“The GOP’s intent on blaming Freddie/Fannie. They hope folks’ll personalize this. ‘Don’t blame the GOP. It’s those jerks Freddie & Fannie!'”
“‘you will know their names’ John McCain shares this with President Carter — his admin. would go to DC filled with disdain for congress.”
“another thing McCain has in common with Carter: neither of them will be elected president this year.”

1 thought on “Political Twick or Tweets”

  1. i hired joe the plumber. i know joe the plumber. joe the plumber double trapped my kitchen sink for efficient water, waste and air flow.
    you, cec, are no joe the plumber.


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