
Sad to learn today that all those robocalls weren’t actually being made by robots. I guess it would have taken a lot of campaign resources to create an army of robo-Feinsteins and robo-Newsoms. I can’t blame them for focusing on other things. I don’t blame them. It just would have been so awesome.

3 thoughts on “Disappointed”

  1. Just a thought: A robo-Arnold created in Silicon Valley would technically have been born in this country, and could run for president. Bet they are working on this right now.

  2. Actually, the mistake they made was that the robo-calls were supposed to be made TO robots.
    It’s a silly idea, really. The voter turnout among robots is terrible — so even if you reach and convince a whole bunch of them, you can’t expect to get much of a bump in the polls.

  3. bluebeard, very very nice.
    perhaps this is where the idea for terminator iv, ‘this time it’s political,’ will be born. the robots on the losing election side turn on their pollster overlords, and then, yes, then the world.


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