I’m delighted to share the news that the “Conversations about Creativity” interviews on this site have moved over to their entirely new digs at about-creativity.com.
A post on the about-creativity.com blog gives a tour of the major changes we’ve made, but the quick version is: (1) interviews are now organized and presented in a way that should be much easier to browse through — content burbles up, I say, literally burbles up through vents and other hot spots! (2) We’ve created a couple of all-new areas where you can let folks know what you’re working on and share what works for you.
When you get a chance, please drop by the new site and chime in!
In related news, now that the site is up, new interviews will be following shortly, starting with a conversation with Chris Baty of NaNoWriMo (Nation Novel Writing Month), due to be posted next week.