Virtual LP: Wallabees Are Back

A crazy long time ago, one of my brothers gave me lyrics to a song about Clark-brand Wallabees. Wallabees were the preferred shoe-wear of Vortices in the ’70s. Their return to the scene had upset him. I set those words to music and got a vocal assist by so-called Shonny Vortex. Herewith, the results, recorded in 2010 and finally seeing the light of blog.

time: 1:04 seconds; specs: 1.5M
Press Play to play.

1 thought on “Virtual LP: Wallabees Are Back”

  1. I really like the way you’ve set this up so people will scan the dates and say “Oh, April 29, May 27, that is not so long between entries.” Only us longtime Vortexphiles will notice the two-year hiatus.


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