Announcing: The White Noise Meander

15 years ago today, a crew of mighty readers banded together to tackle a handful of tomes of varying complexity. Among ’em: Gravity’s Rainbow, Don Quixote, To the Lighthouse, and At Swim-Two-Birds.

We called these group reads “Deathmarches” and we rejoiced, in bloggy way, as complex books were read, posts were posted, and exciting prizes were distributed. (exciting prizes you ask?! read on!)

These shenanigans slowed to a stroll and then a stop right around 2010. But as we enter “The Troublous Twenties”(™), it seems like a good time to reboot the ole machine and take it for a spin.

So we’re doing this again? Really?
We are!

  • When: The first read starts on Sunday, Feb 2.
  • What: We’ll be tackling Don Delillo’s White Noise, which I’ll put in the category of “novels that might be great, I’m not sure, but I heard a lot about it years ago and I’ve been annoyed with myself ever since for not picking it up.” This is a large category.
  • Why: I’m telling you, the prizes are very exciting!
  • Are there rules? I love rules!

    There are rules!

  • Read the book (50 pages or so assigned per week)
  • Comment every week on the appropriate blog post
  • Make it to the end of the book
  • Get an exciting prize! (typically a magnet, and occasionally a mug)
  • A side note about branding:
    I’m opting to swap out the Deathmarch title this time around for Meander. I dunno. I think I’m just in the mood for a kinder, gentler naming convention.

    So what happens next?
    If you’re interested in joining, feel free to comment on this thread, or wait for the kick off. For now, all you really have to do is get yourself a copy of the book and hide it somewhere so you aren’t tempted until we flip that first page a few Sunday’s hence.

    Drop a note on the thread and I’ll do my best to answer.

    Last thoughts
    I’ll admit, I’ve missed these dang marches/meanders. Looking forward to dusting off my meandering shoes and joining you on the trail!

    24 thoughts on “Announcing: The White Noise Meander”

    1. Severe Morty voice: “You son of a bitch, I’m in!”

      White noise pounding
      All around me
      Makes me deaf and dumb
      All my senses
      Makes my mind go numb
      Gotta get away
      Gotta get away from

    2. I like “White Noise” a great deal and will try to join the meander – BTW, deathmarch was the right name for GR and probably DQ as well. Less appropriate for At Swim & Pale Fire.

      Sorry I missed To the Lighthouse though

    3. I also will be pulling my old copy off the shelf. I have fond memories of reading it… um… 25 years ago? More? Anyway, looking forward to another spin.

    4. I can’t wait to meander! I was a veteran of most of the Deathmarches of yore. In fact, my granddaughter Madeline was born during the Brothers Karamazov March. I was present for her birth, and my daughter and son-in-law are still a bit miffed that I kept stepping out of the labor room to read a few more pages. But who could expect me to concentrate on Dostoevsky with all that moaning and complaining going on! (BTW, all turned out well on the baby front, and I’m back in the good graces of my family.) Thanks, Dan, for getting this started again!

    5. I must confess I don’t have an old copy. White Noise has not been front and center on my radar, but, still, I’m excited for this. Just got my brand-spanking-new copy today …


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