The 5 Books Meander, Week 7 (Va-Yetse’)

In brief:
In Va-Yese’ we get the first of Jacob’s dreams, as well as the first mention of the tithe, one of those little ideas that has had gigantic implications.

Jacob meets Rachel and Leah. Jacob the trickster is tricked by his father-in-law. The family grows, with as many kids roughly, as there is sand on the beach and stars in the sky.

We find out the value of a mandrake (considerable). Jacob and Laban have an extended battle of wits and of sheet and of goats, and ultimately make their peace.

And Jacob runs into angels of God and is pretty blasé about it.

A couple of thoughts:

  • This was the first parasha that left me a little cold. In the back and forth with Jacob, Leah, Rachel, and Laban, there was an overhang of dissatisfaction, in which everyone was doing well, and no one was happy. Then again, with that many kids, maybe they were all just a little bit exhausted.

If you’d like to join in… this is the place for comments and commentary on Va-Yetse’ (Gen 28.10 – 32.3)
Next up: Va-Yishlaḥ (Gen 32.4 – 36.43)

2 thoughts on “The 5 Books Meander, Week 7 (Va-Yetse’)”

  1. Jacobs dream hits him from left field — traveling alone, basically running for his life and knowing what you have gained you got by lying and deception — would you expect the Lord to come and actually show you ‘heaven’ and re-commit his covenant to you? Maybe that’s why the ‘tithing’ vow was made — Jacob’s response to God’s kindness and forgiveness.
    Leah and Rachel — Leah was blessed with many sons, and a daughter, but her husband wasn’t in love with her. Rachel was very loved by her husband but lived many years without children. Which one would you rather be? Laban was not a nice guys- and he was an idol worshipper, not cool foe foe one who allied upon the Lords name. I think Rachel was bothered by her dad’s idol worship and gut by taking them away he’d be a better person. Who knows, but we do see how the Lord keeps his chosen family on course and blessing them, but they still have a tough life. Too often people think they should have a ‘blessed’ life because they follow the Lord, but that’s not the way it works folks.


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