Soul is not space,
not molecules.
You can fit all the world’s souls
in the crack
of your ass.
just because you can
doesn’t mean you should.
"…something like the supervisor of an entire team of political agents…"
Soul is not space,
not molecules.
You can fit all the world’s souls
in the crack
of your ass.
just because you can
doesn’t mean you should.
Wow, and you edited my asshole? Very interesting. Just because you could, doesn’t mean you should..have.
“Edited your asshole”? I’m sorry — that delightful idiomatic expression hasn’t made its way out West quite yet. Perhaps by the spring…
depends on the soul. i could think of a few down penn ave whose souls deserve no better housing than the crack.
am i begging for guantanmo bay incarceration or what?! please send cookies and visit often.
“The SOUL of man is larger than the sky,
Deeper than ocean, or the abysmal dark
Of the unfathomed center.”
—Hartley Coleridge, To Shakespeare
dark, unfathomed center. cecil, hartley is right with you.