I was so angry, so spinning with all my anger
I remember at one point saying to a good buddy
that I was going to tell everyone I met
for the next TEN years:
“if you meet someone named [her name here]
please give her a kick for me.”
I figured the word would spread over time, like a belly.
But now that I know where she’s at
all these dozen plus years later,
I no longer feel the need to kick her.
Or to have her kicked.
Potent! Please tell me this poem isn’t about me!
🙂 boy, you got a good laugh outta me with that one.
No, I’m pretty sure this person this refers to doesn’t visit the site….. Or at least, I’m counting on that…..
Well, that’s a relief!
if you really do meet someone named [her name here], introduce her to me, please.
Work 11811, that’s a deal. But remember: no kicking. I’ve mellowed….
kick ass poem