Our second mic-less open mic is coming up a week from Saturday. This time around, Blacksmith Cellars has offered to pour a pair of their fantastic wines. Should be a lotta fun, whether you’re sharing your work or just luxuriating in that world-famous Alameda hipster vibe while sipping a glass of award-winning grape.
Here’s the scoop, straight from the flier:
Come join us Saturday, December 9th as Wilmot’s Books hosts an old-fashioned mic-less open mic, featuring local writers plus fine wine courtesy of Blacksmith Cellars.
We’ll keep things moving at a brisk yet mellow pace – 3-5 minutes per reader, just enough time to give folks a taste and leave them politely requesting more. “But no!” you’ll say – “you’ll have to wait till the next Wilmot’s Old-Fashioned Mic-less Open Mic!”
- All manner of prose and poetry welcome.
- Sign up at 7 pm; words at 7:15 pm.
- Directions: 510.865.1443.
- Questions, or to sign up ahead of time: openmic@cecilvortex.com.
Wilmot’s Books: 478 Central Avenue, Alameda