Legends from My Childhood, #5

Fourth grade was peculiar.
I’m not sure this really happened.
And maybe it was just because I was
living in Holland at the time and it
was some kind of a Dutch thing. But anyways,
in gym class that year
instead of having
a regular teacher like
I had in third grade
I had a large, floating gym teacher head whose
body was
on fire.
When he blew his whistle
the room would fill
with sparking downy flotsam.
Legend from My Childhood, Number 5
Legends from My Childhood, #5, card art by eb.

3 thoughts on “Legends from My Childhood, #5”

  1. I’d kind of thought the others were real. Personally I liked that idea more myself. But perhaps Its because I’m sentimental about my lost friends.

  2. Hey Cap’n,
    I know whatcha mean. This is a slighter one for sure. In this case, I just really liked eb’s image and wanted to make something to go with it. For all the others, the poem went first, and the artist drew something to match.
    By and large this series will be sticking to real legends of my genuine childhood (all the others were real, as you thought)….


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