Dyngus Day is finally here! And you know what that means — beware kids sporting pussywillows and water guns. Especially if you live in Buffalo or South Bend.
In an almost entirely unrelated development, So-Called Bill was angered by advertising over the weekend, which reminded me of this marketing copy I found on the box for Rob Reiner’s Rumor Has It, starring Kevin Costner, Shirley Maclaine, and Jennifer Anniston:
At last there’s a movie for everyone who’s ever looked at the eccentrics and oddballs in his or her family and wondered who are these people?
Like until now, we were left to ask, “Doesn’t anyone else have a crazy uncle who thinks the Theodore Roosevelt part of Mount Rushmore is making googly eyes at his wife? Am I the only person in this whole country with a quirky family? And if I’m not alone, why doesn’t anyone make a movie that finds comedy in those sorts of situations?”
And then — at last! — along comes this groundbreaking film. And now you’re not alone anymore. At last! At last! Grrrr.
Speaking of bad things, here’s what may be the worst pick-up line ever: “Either this place smells like really good Indian food, or you smell like really good Indian food.”