Tale as old as time….

I thought I’d had a lovely night out with the family tonight, enjoying Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast — the Musical.” But as we reversed out of our parking space, my son, Power Vortex, showed us how much better the evening could have been. “Tale as old as time…” I crooned. “I am Optimus Prime….” he rejoined.
The car went still. Still like an underground pool. Like, you know, like one of those “and a child will lead them” moments, where the kid says something so pure and so true the grownups have to stop singing show tunes. Like that.
“Beauty and the Transformer.” Optimus Prime gets turned into some kind of appliance, or a beat up old Chevy, until Beauty comes along and lifts the spell. Dancing Decepticons! Of course! And then the grand finale, in which Optimus Prime destroys Megatron and then transforms back into his true self before our very eyes.
Come on now! Who’s got 25 million bucks?!
Tale as old as time….
Gears as old as grime….
See my hub caps shine….
I am Optimus Prime….
Beauty and Transformers….

3 thoughts on “Tale as old as time….”

  1. can i play the part of the antiquated and underappreciated appliance, who is reborn and transformed via the all-spark into a loveable and comedic next-gen video game?
    seriously, can i?


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