Me too

My son cried out in the middle of the night and I went to him and I picked him up and I cradled him and we rocked for a bit in the sliding chair with a blanket over both of us. And then either he peed on me or I peed on him. I’m not … Read more

They rise, they rise

Sitting and snacking at the local tea shop surprised to be sucking up whole tapioca in a wide straw. Bloop. Endlessly elevating. Fat and flavorless and full of — Bloop. Bloop. Never smooshed though smooshed should be in my not-so-smooth smoothie.


Cat-pinned warm butterfly me beneath the blanket with my warm beneath the blanket in my crook she’s a tack pinned me down till I flutter flutter stop. she stays warm I can’t move she don’t care. and I stop.