Well, it was a pretty great experience watching the live version of Mankind’s Last Hope come together under the expert direction of Bob Lundy-Paine. Long journey too. I thought, before things fade too much, I’d take a few minutes to jot down some of the things we learned along the way. But first, for anyone not familiar with the tale, here’s a sketch of the trek:
Jeff and I started writing the script something like four years ago and came up with two episodes. We did a table read with friends, which was a blast, and then we put those scripts aside. Some six months later we saw a contest to write a new sitcom. We jumped at it, wrote a pilot, did another reading, sent the pilot in, didn’t win, took another break.
Then about two years ago, I met director Bob at a Blacksmith Cellars wine tasting. He and his wife Laura were two of the co-founders for a theater company called Virago. We ended up talking about Virago and an idea Jeff and I had, that it’d be great to stage a sitcom live. Fun chat. Then we drank more wine.
Four more things we learned writing “Mankind’s Last Hope”
A week or two ago I took a crack at jotting down a few lessons learned from the MLH experience. Here are four more before it all fades into sandy dream fragments…… 1. There are life-enhancing creative outcomes short of Hollywood-style success Several years back I ended a lengthy writer’s block by figuring out that … Read more