
Jeff Goldblum This one, the fourth in a series of desktop-sized painterly images of individuals engaged with a glowing orb, set against a blue/textured frame, goes out to Kim and Zoro, whose comments today made me pause to reconsider the only-partly-realized genius and, yes, the big bag of pathos that is Jeff Goldblum.

Danny, Kurt, Al

Remember that scene in Close Encounters where Richard Dreyfus was compelled to make a mountain out of mashed potatoes? Something very similar happened to me not too long ago. Except instead of a potato mountain, I found myself forced to make a trifecta of images, each sized for a 1024 x 768 PC/Mac desktop. They … Read more


Am I the only one a bit put off by the panda craze that’s been sweeping the nation, what with everyone and their brother buying panda bears and then bringing them with them *everywhere*? I mean, come on! I’m not saying pandas aren’t cute. I’m just saying, there’s a time and there’s a place. And … Read more

How much?

I wonder how much time EE Cummings spent searching and replacing? Because I spend a lot of time searching and replacing and I wonder if that was a big part of his life too?