x-post: Brer Osama

So let’s see: Iran has a new democractically elected leader that, well, he’s not nice. Iraq is in the process of putting together a new government that’s likely to end up far more pro-Iran and pro-fundamentalism than the Bathists, and now Gaza and the West Bank have elected Hamas as their majority party. I can … Read more

x-post: The Hillside

I recently got to add some keys to a lovely country trance number by Yaniv Soha (formerly of “Yaniv Soha and the Bear”). The resulting tune — The Hillside — is now live and available for free and easy downloading in the popular MP3 format over on Yaniv Soha.com.

x-post: Reactionary Dander

All this prurient Pynchon appears to have nudged me into a reactionary dander. Read the results (“The Mainstreaming of Vice“) over on the mighty, the mighty, the mighty Edgewise. Unless you’re intimidated by my clear-thinking, straight-shooting, uninhibited sense of moral superiority. In which case, you know. It’s cool.