x-post: more MVRT madness

To say today’s MVRT is in bad taste would be a little like saying BJ and the Bear were in a TV show called “BJ and the Bear.” They weren’t in the show. They were the show! Abu Ghraib: The Untold Story, now playing on Monkey Vortex Radio Theater.

Cole Porter Lives

With the biggest smile, my headed-toward-four-year-old says: “Daddy?” And I say “Yeah?” And he says: “Since it’s such a beautiful day, I love you.” And that line, complete with matching catchy melody, has been stuck in my headbone for nearly 72 hours now. The perfect Cole Porter lyric, showing up nearly 40 years too late, … Read more

Plastic cups

You could find us by the smell of cheap wine in open-air plastic cups. See, we’d walked into this sunny summer party unguarded booze them all in college us two in high school. Strolling the lawn with our big red cups held chest-high both hands. We were alert and amazed. Thick-haired and thin-faced. Bobbing along … Read more


My son wants bacon made out of coffee for me and bacon made out of orange juice for him. Leave those pigs alone! But keep the bacon coming.

In Florida

In Florida, the land of the dead for me. All those memories of bouncing on airboats through swamps, and wandering around exotic bird parks, and listening to King Crimson on the wide lawn under the wide sky by the reflecting lagoon. And sometimes driving, sometimes walking over to my great aunts, and uncles, apartments for … Read more

I want to build a house

I want to build a house with Richard Brautigan up on the third floor. Looking out a large window at open land hands on the windowsill. Wearing that old hat that old vest those old glasses. He looks good.